Read a little bit more 'about me' - there's more than meets the eye!

Close up of a lady in a white top(me) painting on a canvas that is fixed to the wall. The canvas is purple.

Annette Aspen (b.1968) is not just a self-taught mixed media artist; she's an epilepsy advocate, a retired studio manager, a devoted wife, and a loving mother residing and painting in the picturesque setting of Tunbridge Wells, Kent.

Annette's artistic journey is deeply intertwined with her neurological condition, as she uses colour and texture on canvases of all sizes to articulate her emotional odyssey. Through abstract painting, she lays bare her innermost thoughts with honesty and authenticity. Annette humorously refers to her "broken brain," acknowledging how her epilepsy shapes her artistic process. Remarkably, she can discern which paintings were created before, after, or even during a seizure.

Despite facing the challenges of a chronic illness, Annette has never let it define her. From her early days in normal schooling to a successful career as a Studio Manager with BBC World Service, she forged ahead. However, when multiple seizures disrupted her work, she bravely embraced change, relocating from bustling Muswell Hill, London, to the tranquil surroundings of Kent with her husband and son.

The turning point in Annette's artistic journey came after her son departed for university. Benefitting from art therapy during a hospital stay, she continued to paint at home, in a garage space thoughtfully converted by her husband. Sharing her creations on Instagram sparked a newfound confidence as positive feedback from fellow artists led to commissions and collaborations, solidifying her identity as an artist.

Annette's paintings are vibrant narratives, layered with texture and emotion. They exude optimism, inspiration, and above all, honesty, as she endeavours to comprehend the neurological condition she's grappled with since childhood. Each stroke invites viewers to participate in the cathartic release of negativity, mirroring the solace Annette finds in her art.

Painting from her visual and emotional experiences, Annette aspires to inspire others living with disabilities while raising awareness. True to her commitment, she generously donates 20% of her artwork sales to The National Brain Appeal, supporting epilepsy research and advancements in understanding neurological conditions.

Join Annette Aspen on her colourful journey, where every canvas holds a piece of her remarkable resilience and unwavering spirit.


 Here's a recent interview where Annette talks a bit about her art and her life with epilepsy, to Sabine Kahwaji director of 'Epilepsy The Film'.